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Dr.UGraft™ providers are also encouraged to watch the instructional video. But, in addition, this online reference guide has also been made available as a useful skimmable resource for quickly finding specific pieces of information.
The Dr.UGraft™ system arrives with all its parts and components included a portable suitcase. This makes it easier for both storage and travel.
The Dr.UGraft system arrives with all parts and components inside a suitcase, as shown here.
Learn about the features and functions of:
Three consumable items needed to operate the Dr.UGraft™ system:
Autoclaving the Dr.UGraft hand piece and punch using appropriate sized sterilization bags for the first time.
The Dr.UGraft ™ Nurture handpiece comes with the power cord attached. They must be sterilized together. The Dr.UGraft™ flared, hybrid punch is sterilized separately. Learn how this is done and how to verify the completion of the sterilization process.
All the parts and components of the Dr.UGraft ™ system need to be assembled into a comprehensive working unit. Learn how to:
Read more on assembling the Dr.UGraft™ components here.
The left and right foot pedals control the fluid system. The right pedal enables the practitioner to hydrate grafts during the time of extraction. It also allows for a hands-free ejection of impacted grafts and debris from the punch without having to interrupt the surgical process. With the left foot pedal, the surgeon is also able to rotate or oscillate the punch which is attached to the hand piece.
Learn more about how to operate the Dr.UGraft ™ foot pedal system.
The Dr.UGraft Zeus console allows surgeons to determine the appropriate speed setting of the punch based on a patient’s skin thickness.
The Dr.UGraft ™ console controls Intuitive FUE capabilities of the punch. Practitioners are thus able to minimize transection rates by customizing the performance of the punch based on the individual skin thickness differences of each patient.
In this part of the complete online instructions for the Dr.UGraft ™ system, learn how to operate the Intuitive FUE settings of the system by:
The Dr.UGraft™ console also allows providers to turn on the fluid irrigation system and control the rate of flow.
In this section of the online instructional guide, you will learn how to properly take apart the individuals parts of the Dr.UGraft ™ system following a hair transplant surgical procedure. This includes:
The final part of the Dr.UGraft instructional guide discusses how to clean the central console and sterilize the hand piece after a hair transplant surgery. Learn the steps for completing these last stages.
The Dr.UGraft™ system also arrives with a hard-copy instructional pamphlet covering topics on how to assemble the components as well as how to troubleshoot common problems. Your complete purchase is backed by a one-year warranty.